

Look for announcements in your Chabot email when the process resumes in the fall.



Step 1: Complete 和 Submit Your Materials Packet 

参与协议 在线教学计划(OTP): We ask all participants to complete the agreement form 和 plan document to be eligible 对于现在的人群. They ask you to reflect on your teaching experiences 和 pedagogy, the Chabot resources you have at your disposal, 和 your online teaching plans for the course you wish to work in during the 很酷的 process.  

课程网站回顾: 如果你 are participating in 很酷的 for the first time, please note that you will also be asked to draft a 课程复习准备工作表 和 create a Canvas 沙盒 site where you have built the welcome/orientation materials plus two weeks of course content. 如果你需要一个沙箱,请发邮件 查伯特教学技术. 



You will be assigned a 很酷的 Support Team (3-5 faculty members) to review your OTP 沙盒并提供反馈. 当你的团队完成这一步后,你就可以了 asked to make revisions to the OTP 和/or sAndbox as needed. 


3 .修改 

You have several resources at your disposal for the revision process: 

Everyone who submits this completed form will receive an invite to 很酷的: Accessible 课程设计. 如果你 did not receive the invite, please contact 教学技术. 

We are invested in your success 和 here to help every step along the way. 


4 .推荐 

Your review team will again review your materials to ensure that you addressed any questions 和 completed recommended revisions before the committee votes to Recommend 向院长推荐课程. 






如果你 还没有完成 the 很酷的 process at all before, please submit three items to become part of the new 队列.

  1. 在线教学计划
  2. 课程复习准备工作表(可选)
  3. 沙盒 with two weeks of content 和 a Welcome or Orientation module


如果你 已经完成了 the 很酷的 process once before (for one class in any modality), all you need to submit 你的在线教学计划是什么.

如果你不确定你的身份,请 ag体育.



The 在线教学计划(OTP) is both a reflection on your online teaching philosophy 和 a summary of your practices 和 activities over the course of the semester. It is what we will use to match you with a Support Team of 3-4 peer reviewers in your 纪律. Your team, in addition to a trained ADA reviewer, will provide guidance, feedback, 和 resources during the entire 很酷的 process.

Instructors will complete the OTP form online, which includes the following questions:

  • 课程信息和模式;
  • 专业发展经验/培训;
  • Support needs; 和
  • For New participants, a Canvas Course ID for a sAndbox site that is ready for review (见下文).

The form also serves to inform instructors about state 和 federal requirements 和 远程教育条例(DE). 为叙事反思提供了空间 on how instructors plan to meet DE regulations such as Virtual Equivalent, Regular 有效联系、FERPA和可及性.

The completed form will be kept on file by the 很酷的 as a record of the instructor completing the 很酷的 process for the specific course. 

Submitted 参与协议s notify 很酷的 Admin to send a welcome email with 一个单独的OTP开始个性化. After the 很酷的 Support Team reviews the document 和 posts feedback, the instructor will be able to make revisions to their 很酷的 在线教学计划 (if needed). 和 if the instructor has any questions along the way, the 很酷的 Support Team is available 协助. Final OTPs become part of the official educational record 和 are forwarded 给合适的院长.





The optional 课程复习准备工作表 helps instructors prepare their sAndbox 查看课程网站回顾. It is a combination of essential aspects from three established rubrics: Peralta Equity Rubric, 课程设计 Rubric, 和 previous 很酷的 Course Site 审核检查表. 

The worksheet includes several links to examples 和 tutorials to help instructors meet specific DE m和ates 和 best practices for online teaching.

一如既往,请联系 查伯特教学技术 if you have a question about Canvas or online teaching. 我们随时待命 to provide direct support to instructors as they integrate feedback from the 很酷的 Support Team 和 design a quality online course site.




New participants can complete their 很酷的 materials by providing a Canvas sAndbox that includes a welcome/orientation materials plus two weeks of course content.

请注意: 如果你 need a new Canvas sAndbox site, please email 查伯特教学技术.

The 课程复习准备工作表 should be used as a guide to ensure your Canvas course site meets specific DE m和ates as well as best practices for online teaching. Your 很酷的 Support Team will send you an editable version with feedback, advice, 和 鼓励.



We open new 很酷的 队列s in the spring 和 fall semesters. 新队列通常开放 在学期的第三周. Check your Chabot email for additional information.


  • 周1 - 2: Participants submit completed application; Support Teams are assigned
  • 周3 - 5: Support Teams review applications 和 provide feedback
  • 周6 - 8:参与者查看反馈,r根据需要修改表单和沙盒参加可选的ADA咨询
  • 周9 - 10: Support Teams review changes 和 provide additional feedback
  • 周11 - 12:参与者查看第二轮反馈和r根据需要修改

In Week 13, the 很酷的 committee hears from Support Teams 和 officially notifies Deans 提交的每门课程的状态. 你要么被推荐(并被考虑) Fast Track) or Pending (和 welcome to work with Chabot's Instructional Designer over the following semester as you move toward a recommendation).


问题? 请与 很酷的团队